Due to Covid-19 Virus:
Masks and sanitizers are used. Please stay home if there are any flu symptoms. Thank you.
Registration Process:
by phone or email
choose time slot
info requested: family name, address, phone number, etc.
Kyle Lucas’ Students Registration Process
Post-dated cheques are placed in an envelope and dropped through the St. Matthew’s Anglican Church, 2010 Guilford Dr., Abbotsford, B.C front door mail slot by a given due date
Upon receiving full payment, a receipt and an info packet will be mailed to you
Lessons begin the following week
Maureen Lucas’ Students Registration Process
Post-dated cheques are placed in an envelope and brought to the first lesson
Equalized payments:
Your first monthly payment is a double payment. Equalized payments for the remaining months -- your last payment is May 1st, although your lessons may continue well into June. A separate cheque is issued for the $35.00 non-refundable registration fee.
1. There are no make-up lessons if the student is absent.
2. There will be make-up lessons if the teacher is absent.
3. Please call your teacher regarding any lesson inquiries.
4. No foods or beverages are permitted in the building.
5. Students are to be quiet in the hallways.
6. A month’s notice is required in order to cancel lessons (calculated four weeks from the date you contact your instructor).
7. Lessons received are lessons paid for in advance.
8. A $20.00 fee is charged for a returned cheque. More than one returned cheque can result in the loss of cheque payment privileges and the cessation of lessons.
9. Combined monthly fee cheque refunds are issued in June.
10. Contact your teacher re lesson day/time changes which can take place as early as the following week.